Women's Service League of NCW offering grant to local Non-profits and Scholarships to women returning to college.
Women's Service League of NCW offering grant to local Non-profits and Scholarships to women returning to college.

The Women’s Service League of NCW (WSL) is pleased to offer Grant Funds to non-profit organizations or other organizations within North Central Washington that share our mission of helping individuals, with an emphasis on the needs of women and children. The amount granted will be based on the needs of the applicant and the pool of available resources. WSL held its premier fundraising event My Girlfriend’s Closet in March and raised over $91,000. A portion of the funds raised will go to funding these grants along with scholarships to women who are returning to college.
Grant applications are available on the WSL website and are accepted through April 30. The applications will be reviewed by a committee of WSL Members and the recipients will be notified by June 1 with funds distributed by June 30. Grant Applications can be downloaded from our website www.wslncw.org/grants, mailed, or emailed in, or submitted directly through the website. For more information email grants@wslncw.org.
Along with the grant applicants, WSL is seeking to provide scholarships to women who are pursuing their educational goals to help achieve their independence, but have encountered some life challenges along the way. Consideration will
be given to women who are returning to college after an interruption in their studies, or who were unable to begin college right after high school. Applicants can be currently enrolled in college or planning to enroll this fall. Scholarship
applications can be downloaded and mailed, emailed, or submitted directly through the website. www.wslncw.org/scholarship
The Women’s Service League of NCW builds community through the empowerment of women and deliberate volunteer action. WSL was founded in 2008 as the Junior Service League of Wenatchee but changed its name to reflect its vision of
service throughout the NCW Region. We are committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers throughout NCW.
Our purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Erica Mendoza
Grants / Scholarship Chair